Hi, my name is Christine O’Brien.
And, today, I’m going to show you the surprising, “hidden” cause of occasional tinnitus.
Brace yourself…
Because, a growing body of evidence – including a study from Georgetown University – suggests…
Those ringing, buzzing, chirping noises you’re hearing…
Do NOT come from your ears at all.
I know, that’s a lot to take in.
I’ll explain everything in a moment.
First, let me share the good news…
Because I’m also going to reveal a simple, “at home” solution that TURNS DOWN that ringing noise that’s driving you mad.
Yes, you heard that right…
You’re about to discover a REAL natural treatment for tinnitus.
It involves a simple hormone – inside your body right now…
That directly addresses this “hidden” cause of tinnitus.
It works by attacking those phantom noises at their “starting point”…
Essentially turning down tinnitus at its root.
But I have even better news for you today…
You see, this easy, “at home” solution works incredibly fast.
How fast?
Well, in one recent clinical study, a natural hormone was shown to “quiet” tinnitus in 30 days…
Yes, people reported their tinnitus decreased after one month
Think about what that meant for them…
Imagine how they must have felt…
Enjoying some peace and quiet – like the volume in their ears had suddenly been turned down…
Able to fall asleep in minutes – without needing a sound machine to “drown out” that buzzing noise…
And waking up in peace – never worrying if that ringing or chirping would interrupt their day.
Now, here’s the surprising part…
Because this new breakthrough doesn’t involve masking tinnitus with a sound machine…
And you don’t need to stop listening to music or turn down the volume on your TV.
Instead, the “hormone breakthrough” you’re about to discover is likely different than anything you’ve tried before…
Yet soon after discovering this hormone breakthrough…
That ringing – or buzzing – could start to fade away.
That sounds pretty great… doesn’t it?
But I’m sure it also sounds too good to be true.
So let me assure you…
Everything I’ve shared with you is 100% true.
In fact, it’s all published in clinical studies – which I’ll share with you in just a minute.
But first, clear your mind of what you’ve been told about tinnitus in the past…
Because this new breakthrough goes against everything we thought we knew about tinnitus…
And it explains why mainstream medicine doesn’t have the answer to your ringing ears.
You see, the truth is, they’ve been getting it all wrong for years.
Let me explain…
This research comes from a scientific report published by Georgetown University.
And it revealed something truly JAW-DROPPING…
Those age-related hearing problems – like ringing, buzzing, and hissing…
Don’t start in your ears at all.
In fact, new research suggests that the problem may start in a completely different part of your body.
You might be surprised when you find out what it is… and exactly what’s happening to cause these hearing issues.
I’ll share the details with you in just a moment.
Then, I’ll show you the simple solution to QUIET that ringing, buzzing, and hissing.
Now I know, you’re probably still a bit skeptical…
Heck, if you’re anything like me, you’re not one to believe something without seeing all the scientific evidence.
Which is why, in the next 60 seconds, I’m going to show you some very exciting research – including a clinical, peer-reviewed study – showing real results.
You’ll discover the stunning cause of tinnitus and age-related hearing loss…
And how it has NOTHING to do with your ears.
Then, I’ll reveal what this hormone is…
And how you can use it to “turn down” that ringing in your ears…
All you have to do is sit back while I share the science with you.
So, please…
If your ears ring…
If you hear phantom chirping noises that come and go…
And if you’d do ANYTHING to get rid of that ringing, buzzing, and hissing in your ears…
Give me just 60 seconds now to share the science behind this exciting new solution.
First, however, let me properly introduce myself.
And show you why you should listen to me in the first place.
Like I said, my name is Christine O’Brien.
I have the privilege of working with a brilliant MD named Dr. Glenn S. Rothfeld.
Dr. Rothfeld has been a doctor for the past 41 years…
He’s written 11 books on health and nutrition…
And he runs a medical clinic in my hometown of Waltham, Massachusetts.
But as you’re about to hear, he’s not like other doctors…
In fact, most of his patients don’t come to him until they’ve seen 2, 3, sometimes a half-dozen doctors…
And still haven’t found the answers they’re looking for.
That’s because Dr. Rothfeld is not afraid to try solutions that go against the grain.
Over the past 4 decades, he’s made it his mission to dive deep below the surface…
Find the true root cause of today’s most common ailments…
And develop simple, at-home protocols to fix them.
That’s why he was awarded a Patient’s Choice Award 3 times by an acclaimed health website, Vitals.com…
And it’s why he’s one of the most “in demand” doctors today.
In fact, the waiting list to see him in person is over 3 months.
During Dr. Rothfeld’s 41 years in medicine, he’s treated hundreds of patients with tinnitus.
So I want you to know…
Despite what you may be thinking now…
Dr. Rothfeld knows how you feel.
Tell me if this sounds familiar…
One day – almost out of the blue – you start hearing a “phantom” noise humming in your ears.
Everyone describes it differently…
It could be a high-pitched ringing noise…
More of a clicking or chirping sound…
Even a low-pitched buzz – like you can hear your pulse radiating through your ears.
At first, it seems like nothing…
“It’ll go away on its own,” you think.
And maybe it does… for a couple days.
But every now and then, that “phantom” noise comes back to bug you at the worst times.
You could be in the middle of driving…
Or even at home relaxing with your spouse.
Before too long, however, it becomes difficult to concentrate…
Some tasks become more and more difficult.
During an especially bad fit, it can suck the energy right out of you.
Maybe the ringing goes away for a bit – and you’re hopeful that it’s gone for good…
But it always comes back… especially when you’re trying to sleep.
It’s the worst in complete silence…
When the only thing you can hear is that high-pitched ringing that makes it impossible to focus on anything else.
Perhaps the worst part, however, is that no one else can hear it.
So while you get annoyed every time that ringing, buzzing, hissing, chirping comes back…
Nobody – not your spouse, your family, or your friends – know what you’re going through.
But I want you to know…
It’s NOT your fault.
And you’re certainly not alone…
Reports show that up to 45 million Americans have tinnitus at some point.
And if you’re over 55, it’s especially common.
So why hasn’t anyone figured it out?
After all, with reports showing up to 15% of American adults experience ringing at one time or another…
It seems like a big market.
And, based on the stories I’ve heard…
One that’s filled with the type of desperate people Big Pharma loves to prey on.
Well, let me be clear: it’s not for lack of trying…
To date, there have been dozens of trials on tinnitus treatments…
Including many of the herbs and supplements you’ve probably read about – and may have even tried before today.
And do you know how many succeeded?
Not a single one.
Yes, it’s true…
Despite pouring billions of dollars into research and development…
There isn’t a single FDA-approved solution for tinnitus.
And I recently discovered the shocking reason why…
It turns out, they’ve been looking in the wrong place.
Because even though you HEAR those ringing, buzzing, hissing noises in your ears…
That sound doesn’t come from your ears at all
I know it sounds hard to believe.
Let me share the full story with you now.
In 2011, the scientific community got their first hint of this breakthrough…
In a study published by the prestigious Georgetown University Medical Center.
You see, the Georgetown researchers used something called functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (or an fMRI) to look inside the brains of tinnitus patients.
This study was the first of its kind…
And the setup alone was enough to catch my attention.
But it wasn’t until I read the rest of the study that I saw how truly big this was.
See, the researchers noticed something strange inside the brains of tinnitus patients…
They saw an unusually high amount of activity in certain parts of the brain…
Including the section dealing with sound (called the primary auditory cortex).
Instead of staying calm and dormant, like a “normal” person without tinnitus…
This part of the brain “lit up” like it was working in overdrive.
Even weirder?
The auditory cortex remained active… even in the absence of any external sound.
It was almost as if the brain had gone “rogue” – creating new sounds out of thin air.
“Could it be?” I thought to myself.
Is it possible that tinnitus doesn’t start in the ears at all?
But… rather…
The brain?!
If you ask me, the results are clear…
But you don’t have to take my word for it.
The researchers at Georgetown made the same conclusion.
“The key to understanding tinnitus lies in understanding how the auditory and [brain] systems interact to influence perception.”
In other words…
Those ringing noises don’t start in the ears, they start in
he brain!
With that in mind, I knew we had to be close to a solution…
Something that could “turn down” the ringing in your ears…
And help you enjoy some peace and quiet.
But I also knew there had to be more...
After all, it’s been nearly a decade since that study came out.
And, still, there isn’t a single reliable solution for tinnitus.
What was everyone missing?
So I kept digging…
Reading through study after study, one paper after another.
Until, almost like magic, I found it…
The “missing link” that explains everything.
Let me show you now…
It starts by understanding how the ear communicates with the brain.
Take a look at this diagram of the ear:

As you can see, there are 3 main parts of your ear.
- The outer ear; that’s the part you can see.
- The middle ear, just past your ear drum.
- And the inner ear, which is even deeper into your head – right next to your brain.
Now, all 3 parts are important.
But it’s the 3rd part – your inner ear – that’s especially important.
Well, because your inner ear is responsible for passing noises and sounds into your brain…
So your brain can figure out what to do with them.
It’s like your brain’s “translator” – taking random noises and sounds and turning them into words your brain can understand.
There’s just one problem…
See, the inner ear is made up of tiny cells called hair cells.
And… like all the cells in your body, hair cells require healthy blood flow.
That’s because blood carries oxygen and vital nutrients to keep the cells alive.
But, as we get older, blood flow slows down.
It’s no wonder 45 million Americans have dealt with tinnitus!
You see, without proper blood flow, those hair cells in your inner ear can’t get the oxygen and nutrients they need.
That means they can’t function as well.
And when that happens, well…
You guessed it…
The communication between your ears and your brain
slows down
It’s like you’re talking on the phone and someone suddenly pulls the cord… all you get is a dial tone.
Now, you might be wondering what that has to do with tinnitus.
You might even be thinking…
“Well, wouldn’t that result in normal age-related hearing loss instead?”
And you’re absolutely right. It does.
But here’s where it gets interesting…
Over the years, your brain gets used to hearing certain noises and frequencies.
When hair cells stop passing those noises into your brain, it causes a “miscommunication” between the ears and brain.
See, your brain expects to hear something.
But, instead, silence.
And when that happens…
Your brain overcorrects, essentially “filling in” the lost frequencies with phantom sounds.
And that results in ringing, buzzing, hissing, chirping, clicking… you name it.
If you’re anything like me, you’re starting to see how it all makes sense.
Those “phantom” noises that interrupt your day…
They’re all created by a miscommunication between your brain and your ears.
Which means the key to “turning down” tinnitus isn’t in your ears at all…
And it’s not in your brain – where those ringing noises happen in the first place…
Instead, the “secret” lies in a healthy blood flow
And that’s why I’m so excited to share this message with you today…
Because, now that we know what causes tinnitus…
We also know the stunningly simple way to stop it at its source.
And, soon, that ringing in your ears starts to fade.
Are you ready to see what it is?
Believe it or not, it starts with the chemical structure you see on your screen.

This is the chemical structure of a natural hormone produced by your own body.
It’s called NAC-5.
NAC-5 has several important roles…
It controls the sleep-wake cycle – telling your body when it’s time to go to sleep and wake up.
It also has a surprising connection to your hearing (I’ll tell you why in a second).
However, as you get older, something goes wrong…
Your body stops producing as much NAC-5 as it used to.
Here’s why that’s important…
Because NAC-5 is what’s known as a vasodilator.
It’s a mouthful, I know…
But it’s just a fancy way of saying it controls how wide – or narrow – your blood vessels are.
And, as we know, healthy blood flow is important for healthy, ring-free ears.
See, when your arteries are wide and relaxed, blood can flow freely throughout your body.
Including, you guessed it…
Into your brain and ears.
This means those hair cells – the one that passes messages to your
brain – get the oxygen and nutrients they need.
Which means they can pass sounds into your brain more effectively.
Think of it like a light dimmer…
When NAC-5 levels go up – tinnitus gets turned down…
And those “phantom” noises that interrupt your day… get quieter and quieter.
It’s as simple as that.
Now you might think the solution is simply to boost your body’s levels of NAC-5.
Unfortunately, it’s not that simple…
After all, NAC-5 is a hormone. You can’t easily boost levels of certain hormones. Can you?
Well, doctors have figured out a way to create a synthetic version of NAC-5.
Meaning, they’ve figured out how to turn NAC-5 into a pill you can take every night.
So you can take one tiny pill of NAC-5…
And “turn down” that ringing in your ears
But I understand if you’re still skeptical.
And you might be wondering…
“Does NAC-5 work for people?”
Which is why I want to share the stunning results of a recent clinical study.
Here’s what happened…
Researchers from Ohio State University gathered 61 volunteers and split them into two groups.
These were men and women who complained about chronic ringing, buzzing, or other sorts of “phantom” noises.
At the beginning of the trial, subjects went through a process known as tinnitus matching (or TM).
This is where doctors play a sound matching the sound of tinnitus… and increase the volume until they can hear the same pitch as the subjects.
That way, doctors can experience the intensity of the ringing themselves.
After initial measurements were taken, subjects were given either 3mg of NAC-5 or a placebo for 30 days.
Can you guess what happened next?
Just wait until you hear these incredible results…
Because, by the end of the trial, men and women taking NAC-5 reported a significant improvement in their tinnitus.
They said the noise in their head became quieter…
Now you might be thinking, “it doesn’t get much better than that.”
But, let me assure you, it does…
In fact, it gets MUCH better…
You see, not only did people report the noise in their head going down…
But doctors were able to confirm it.
That’s because they also saw their TM scores drop by 40%!

Remember: TM is the sound matching tool doctors use to hear tinnitus themselves.
So imagine their shock when – after 30 days – they could actually experience the same incredible results as their patients.
Now, these results are truly impressive…
And they have people like me asking…
Could NAC-5 be the first true answer for tinnitus?
Imagine how that must have felt for those lucky study participants…
Suddenly “turning down” that ringing, buzzing, and hissing in their ears.
Imagine the peace of mind they must have felt.
Now, imagine how it must have felt for them once those “phantom” noises were turned down…
Perhaps they were able to watch TV – without closed captioning…
Or having a conversation with their spouse – paying attention to everything they say, rather than getting distracted by the ringing…
Friend, it’s clear to me…
If you want to join the study participants and “quiet” your tinnitus
NAC-5 could change your life.
In fact, Dr. Rothfeld believes in NAC-5 so much, he’s written about it several times in his Nutrition & Healing newsletter.
Including, most recently, in February 2020.
But I know not everyone has time to read every issue, then go out to the store and find the exact kind of NAC-5 used in the study... in the studied amount.
You see, it’s incredibly important you use the proper dose of NAC-5…
Like they used in the study.
Otherwise, you might as well take a sugar pill.
Luckily, there’s an easier way…
You see, in addition to his “day job” running one of the most well-respected clinics in America…
For the past 6 years, Dr. Rothfeld has also worked as the Chief Medical Advisor for a company called Real Advantage Nutrients.
Our team has been working to develop a nutritional formula that brings together everything you need to “turn down” tinnitus…
Including the exact, clinically studied dose of NAC-5…
And, we’ve reached our goal.
This formula is called RevitaEarTM.

And it’s the first formula of its kind…
Now, you can take 1 pill…
And “turn down” that ringing, buzzing,
hissing noise
Today, for the first time, we’re releasing RevitaEar to a small group of American seniors.
But it’s ONLY available through Real Advantage Nutrients.
If you’re reading this presentation right now, it means we’ve reserved a small supply of RevitaEar for YOU…
We’re just waiting for you to tell us where to send it.
Your chance to claim a personal supply of RevitaEar is coming in just a minute.
So keep reading.
First, there’s something important I need to tell you…
Because, when our team created RevitaEar, we didn’t stop with NAC-5…
We wanted RevitaEar to be the most complete tinnitus formula on the market.
That’s why we included 3 MORE ingredients to help “dial down” the ringing in your ears…
And improve your life.
The first is called ginkgo biloba.

Ginkgo biloba is a special plant that is native to rural China.
It’s been used for more than 2,000 years to treat dozens of issues…
But we’ve only just discovered that ginkgo biloba can “quiet” ringing ears.
Well, it turns out ginkgo works the same way as NAC-5…
It’s a powerful vasodilator which, as you may remember, means it increases blood flow throughout your body.
But recent studies have shown that ginkgo goes one step further…
Specifically, it’s been shown to boost the blood flow to your brain and your ears.
Here’s why that’s so important.
As you might remember, your inner ear is made up of tiny hair cells.
Hair cells pass messages into your brain – and receive the messages your brain sends back out.
They require healthy blood flow to do their job…
But blood flow declines as you age – causing hair cells to wither away and die.
Which means they can’t pass messages into your brain as well.
It’s like a car crash on a 2-lane highway…
When blood flow is low – the communication between your ears and your brain slows down.
And that’s why you’re experiencing those occasional ringing, buzzing, and hissing noises.
It’s all because of low blood flow.
Which is why ginkgo biloba is such a godsend.
Because it boosts blood flow to your brain and your ears….
Helping you enjoy healthy, ring-free ears
And when you pair ginkgo biloba with NAC-5, you’re well on your way to quieting the ringing in your ears.
But, still, that’s just the beginning…
Because we included 2 more powerful ingredients in RevitaEar.
What are they?
L-theanine. L-theanine is an amino acid commonly found in black and green tea. A review of 5 studies, following a total of 104 men and women, found that l-theanine helps reduce stress and anxiety. And I’m sure I don’t need to tell you… after everything that’s happened over the last few years, that’s VERY important.
L-theanine also has been shown to help promote sleep and support your immune system.
Along with…
Vitamin D. Now I’m sure you’ve heard of vitamin D before. And, as I tell all my senior patients, it’s SO important to take vitamin D as we get older. Why?
Well, vitamin D is one of the most common vitamin deficiencies as we get older. In fact, people over 50 have an increased risk of vitamin D deficiency… and that risk only INCREASES as we get older.
So we included a potent dose of vitamin D to make sure you’re getting enough – and to help you stay healthy through all your years.
In just a minute, I’ll show you how to claim a supply of RevitaEar.
Including …
NAC-5 – also known as melatonin – to “turn down” tinnitus…
Ginkgo biloba – to improve vestibular blood flow...
L-theanine – to ease stress and anxiety…
And vitamin D.
Your chance to claim a supply is coming in just a minute.
First, however, there’s one more thing I need to show you…
Let me ask…
Do you ever have trouble sleeping?
If you’re like many seniors, the answer is yes.
And if you’re sick of letting tinnitus interrupt your sleep…
This is extremely important.
Because RevitaEar could also help you fall asleep in minutes.
It’s all because of the first ingredient we discussed today, NAC-5.
You see, in a small study, MIT scientists gave 1mg of NAC-5 to a group of 20 healthy, college-aged men.
Every day, they took a small dose of this sleep breakthrough right before bed.
And the very first night, they fell asleep fast.
How fast?
When scientists conducting the study measured how quickly NAC-5 worked, they saw that it helped people fall asleep in 6 minutes.
In another study, 1mg NAC-5 improved sleep quality as well…
And helped people get an extra 49 minutes of sleep every night.
Now, picture this…
Imagine your head hitting the pillow…

You feel completely relaxed and ease…
No thoughts racing through your head – or worrying about what might happen tomorrow…
And no more worrying when one of those ringing fits might keep you awake.
Instead, you fall asleep almost instantly…
In fact, it happens so fast, you don’t even realize it.
You close your eyes and… POOF… it’s the next morning.
You get restful and rejuvenating sleep.
And when that light peaks through the blinds and wakes you up…
You’re ready to take on your day.
And as you head down for coffee, you can’t help but smile
Well, believe it or not, those joyful mornings start with 1 small capsule of RevitaEar every night before bed.
Now given everything you’ve discovered today, I’m sure you’re wondering how you can get your hands on RevitaEar as fast as possible…
Along with how often you should use it for best results.
In just a minute, I’ll share all those details with you – and show you how to claim a personal supply RevitaEar today.
First, I want you to think about how you’ll feel, when that ringing in your head starts to fade...
Look: I’m so excited for you to claim a supply of RevitaEar today…
And finally, “turn down” tinnitus.
And you know what?
Right now is the absolute best time to try RevitaEar.
I mean that.
See, RevitaEar is the first formula of its kind
In fact, it’s the ONLY formula to include clinically-studied doses of both ingredients. Including…
NAC-5 – to “turn down” tinnitus…
AND help you fall asleep…
Along with ginkgo biloba – to increase vestibular blood flow...
L-theanine – to ease stress and anxiety…
And vitamin D…
All packed into 1 pill you can take every evening.
It couldn’t be any easier.
And, thanks to my team here at Real Advantage Nutrients, it couldn’t be any more convenient either.
You see, each batch of RevitaEar is produced in a secure, cGMP-certified facility. That means it goes through rigorous testing, to ensure the quality and safety of each dose. But unfortunately, that leads to some bad news…
Our supply of RevitaEar is extremely limited.
So I recommend you stock up now – while we still have bottles in stock.
Your chance to stock up on RevitaEar is coming in a minute.
However, there is one catch…
You see, in order to truly quiet those ringing noises…
I recommend you take RevitaEar every day.
That’s the only way to ensure you get the best results.
And it’s why I recommend picking up a 6-month supply of RevitaEar today.
But you can rest easy knowing you’re protected by the most generous guarantee you’ll ever see.
You can rest easy knowing your entire purchase is covered by the most generous money back guarantee you’ll ever see.
Here’s the deal…
In just a minute, you’ll see a big, blue “Add to Cart” button appear below this presentation.
When that button appears, click it and head straight to our secure RSVP form.
Then, select a 6-month supply to ensure you get the most savings…
And to ensure you always have a bottle of RevitaEar when you need it.
Then, simply enter your information…
Tell me where to send your supply of RevitaEar…
And let our team do the rest.
In a few short days, a package should appear containing your initial supply of RevitaEar.
As soon as it does, here’s what I want you to do…
Open your first bottle of RevitaEar and take your first dose.
Remember: It’s 1 small capsule a day.
Then, continue taking RevitaEar every night before bed…
And do nothing else.
Soon, you’ll notice that ringing noise start to fade…
As the weeks go by, it gets quieter and quieter…
And you can smile knowing all you did was take 1 pill every night.
And here’s the best part…
If RevitaEar doesn’t work exactly as I’ve promised today…
If your tinnitus doesn’t begin to fade…
If you aren’t sleeping better…
And if you don’t agree that the ringing is quieter than it was before taking RevitaEar…
Simply give us a call and we will send a full and courteous refund.

It’s all part of our 100% Money Back Guarantee.
And it means you take ZERO risk by trying RevitaEar today.
That’s how confident I am that RevitaEar will work for you.
And there’s no time limit on this Guarantee…
Whether it’s 3 months from now – or 3 years down the road – you can always return your most recent order for a full and courteous refund.
But I think… once you start feeling the benefits of RevitaEar…
Asking for a refund will be the last thing on your mind.
Remember: here’s everything you get when you say “yes” and claim 6 bottles of RevitaEar today…
You get the full, clinically studied dose of NAC-5 – to quiet tinnitus…
Along with ginkgo biloba – to increase vestibular blood flow...
L-theanine – to ease stress and anxiety…
And vitamin D.
Okay… can you feel it?
Your heart beating a little quicker…
That buzz of excitement through your body…
Knowing you have the power to “turn down” tinnitus…
Without any of the obstacles that have stood in your way.
That means you’re ready to make the leap… and start the journey to your brand-new life.
All you have to do is click the button below…
Claim your supply of RevitaEar…
And let my team do the rest.
Remember: you’re completely protected by our 100% Money Back Guarantee.
You can call tomorrow… in 3 months… or in 3 years and get a full refund.
This might be your last chance to claim a 6-month supply of RevitaEar.
And once we sell out: That’s it. It could be months before we have any more in stock.
Simply click the button below now to get started and reserve your supply of RevitaEar.
Look, the way I see it, you’re standing at a crossroads.
On the left is option 1. Which is, do nothing…
You could leave this page and forget everything you heard today.
Keep letting occasional tinnitus make it difficult to enjoy what should be the best years of your life.
All the while knowing you had a chance to do something about it and you let it slip away.
That’s why I recommend option #2: the “done for you option.”
Simply click the button below and choose a better future.
Friend, the choice is yours…
Remember: Here’s everything you get when you say “Yes!” to trying RevitaEar today…
The full, clinically studied dose of NAC-5 – to “turn down” tinnitus…
Along with ginkgo biloba – to increase vestibular blood flow…
L-theanine – to ease stress and anxiety…
And vitamin D.
All backed by our 100% Money-Back Guarantee – so you take ZERO risk at all.
Just click the button below now and I’ll see you on the next page.
For Real Advantage Nutrients and RevitaEar, I’m Christine O’Brien. Thanks for joining me today.
(You Can Review Your Order Before It's Final)