Hi, I’m Dr. Glenn Rothfeld, M.D.
On this page, you’re looking at real, scientific proof of increased lifespan.
In other words, proof that scientists made an animal LIVE LONGER…
Not just a little longer either…
…but a staggering 59% longer.
The science experiment was done on fish, and you’re looking at a microscopic, close-up photograph of their cells.
Notice how the frame on the left is a dull green? That means the fish cells are young.
The photo in the center looks greener – this shows how the cells are older.
But the photo on the right looks just as dull green as the left…
…is it because the cells are just as young?
Actually, no…
The cells are from an older fish… but it got a certain substance… that kept its cells just like the younger fish.
As a result, it lived longer.
That was just the beginning…
This substance has been tested on humans and the results are raising eyebrows, to say the least. As of now, we don’t have clinical study results on lifespan yet… but we ARE seeing amazing changes in heart and brain health…
In this presentation, I’m going to show you exactly what this substance is.
But that’s not all…
In my research, I’ve found a second substance with results just as impressive as the first.
As a medical doctor for almost 40 years, I can verify these 2 substances are a monumental leap forward in the science of Staying Young.
In this presentation, I’m going to show you exactly what these substances are.
I’m going to show you how they were discovered, how the science indicates they could support your DNA, and, most importantly…
How you can use them to
feel like you’re turning back the clock
Think back to when you were younger. How full of life you felt...
What if you could snap your fingers and bring it all flooding back?
What if you suddenly had the energy to bolt out the door for a bike-ride?
Or stay out dancing until the early morning hours?
What if you felt your stronger blood flow from head to toe?
What if you noticed your stomach was leaner and flatter… and you were suddenly fielding admiring compliments from all sides?
What if, after weeks and weeks of non-stop fun, family, and friends…
You laughed and shook your head because you realized you hadn’t thought about your heart health… not even once?
And you realized you now get to live your life with a younger body and mind?
It's more real than you think.
Studies on animals show just one of these substances extended their lifespan up to 59%.
Think about that for a moment…
Even though hardly anyone in America has heard of it yet… news of this substance is spreading like wildfire among the scientific community…
The Director of the Institute for Aging Research at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine declared, “[This substance] is one of the most exciting things happening in the biology of aging.”
Specifically, the biology of fighting aging.
If you’re over the age of 50…
If your brain doesn’t work like it used to…
If you feel frustrated when you can’t remember someone’s name…
Or you have aches and pains after working in your yard or playing a round of golf…
Changing your diet hasn’t helped at all…
You’re too tired for any hard exercise…
And you’re starting to feel sad and wonder if, “This is just how things go…”
Then you need to know about this news.
Because scientists may have finally cracked the code on staying young right down to the level of your DNA.
Now, DNA is the blueprint for your entire body.
It controls everything from your eye color to your height.
It also controls how you renew your cells.
This is important. Because if we can improve DNA, it means we could now automatically tell your body to keep your cells young…
Which means we could make virtually every part of your body young again
And that’s EXACTLY what this new Ivy League-researched DNA solution does.
If this sounds like science fiction, let me assure you: This is absolutely real.
In fact, the clinical testing is already complete.
When average men and women used just one of these DNA-renewing substances, they…
Strengthened their blood flow 88% – a clear sign of a younger, healthier heart…
It gets better… much better. The study participants also…
Improved their short-term memory power...
And helped activate their “Youth Enzyme”.
Yes, simply by potentially…
Revitalizing their DNA back to its “young setting.”
It was easy to do.
And it works incredibly fast – they started experiencing the blood flow results in just 1 hour.
Now, the same can be true for you.
Your doctor doesn’t know about it yet, but I do.
Because once the scientists began publishing the results in scientific journals, I examined every study and made careful note of the exact methods they used…
And now I’m ready to share everything with you.
Imagine this:
You’re a couple weeks away from your grandchild’s birthday party…
As you hold a photo of her in your hands, you start to worry.
After all, you don’t have the foggiest clue what she’d want for a gift… and you wonder if you’ll feel too tired to stay for as long as you’d like…
You’re sick of people treating you like some doddering old person.
You don’t want to feel like a burden.
You’ve worked so long to finally retire, and you can’t even enjoy yourself.
You’re too busy thinking about your health. Or taking naps.
Even driving to an appointment takes so much effort.
“It didn’t used to be like this!” you think.
But you’re going to try something new.
Thanks to reading this presentation, you’ve just gotten your hands on a simple solution for improving the health of your cells and DNA.
It takes just 16 seconds to use.
It’s easy too – no major changes to your diet or lifestyle required.
So, you get started.
And you don’t have to wait long for results. Not weeks or even days.
Within just one hour your
blood flow could improve… like you suddenly
have a younger heart
You swear you can feel the difference in your whole body…
Even your brain could feel sharper, as it gets nourished with more life-giving blood flow.
Which is why you start remembering names, places, and directions easily…
No more need to scribble everything on a calendar, ask for something over and over again, and no more blanking out when you need to remember something.
In fact, you chuckle when you realize you’ve thought of the perfect gift for your granddaughter. She’s going to love it…
And things just keep getting better over the next few days and weeks…
You could feel your energy return… almost too much energy.
At your latest check-up, your doctor remarks about how much your triglyceride levels have now improved. He’s astonished, but you just smile…
And your pants could keep getting looser around your waist…
On the day of your granddaughter’s birthday party, the only parking is quite a ways away.
No problem. You haven’t felt this strong in years. Heck, you feel like you could jog there if you wanted to…
As your family welcomes you inside, your granddaughter skips over and grabs you for a hug… and doesn’t let go!
Your kids can’t help but gush, “You’re looking good!”
Your granddaughter squeals with delight when she unwraps your present. Later, when you play a fun game of tag, you let her win.

You almost can’t believe how much energy you have now…
Your body feels so much better.
Life feels so much better
All because you potentially reprogrammed your DNA to return to its youthful state.
Your mind is clear and agile… and your body easily keeps up.
Now, I’m sure you’re still skeptical…
Even after hearing an Ivy-League doctor is already jumping on this.
Because… let’s be real here… how on earth is this possible?
Well, quite frankly, this wasn’t possible in the past…
But as you’re about to see, this new “DNA solution” works by potentially helping speed up how quickly your cells replace themselves.
As a result, old cells get replaced by young and healthy cells.
This process of cell replacement is called “cellular renewal.”
And scientists have now discovered the key component to help activate cellular renewal. In fact, in a study…
They figured out how to increase the Youth Enzyme 442% more than is normal for your age, in just 30 days.
That means your old cells could get replaced by young cells…
Which means you could feel younger.
Friend, this isn’t science fiction. Not anymore.
Thanks to recent breakthroughs in this technology, it’s now the NEW FUTURE for the lucky seniors in America who can take advantage.
It’s the new key to better blood sugar, and better cholesterol…
A series of clinical studies have shown results like:
Triglycerides improving 42%...
Better blood flow in just an hour…
Way more energy…
Strengthening your short-term memory...
Effortlessly melting 4 full inches off your waist…
And reprogramming your cells to stay younger.
If you’re reading this presentation, you can claim your spot in the front of the line for this age-fighting solution.
Don’t miss out.
As you’ll soon see, this could be your only chance.
My name, again, is Dr. Glenn Rothfeld, M.D.
For over 40 years, I’ve devoted my life to helping seniors just like you solve their biggest health challenges and live like they were young again.
I was honored to be named a fellow at Harvard University’s prestigious Channing Laboratory.
More recently, I developed one of America’s first courses on innovative alternative health for the world-class Tufts University School of Medicine.
Today, I practice at my busy Integrative Medical Center in Massachusetts.
And I’m constantly researching the latest breakthroughs for improving health and longevity.
Because of my work with Harvard, I always keep my ear to the floor of what discoveries they’re making.
Which is how I heard about this new DNA breakthrough.
This isn’t the sort of thing your doctor’s going to be alerted to, which is why you haven’t heard it from him yet – and maybe you never will.
The bottom line is, we now have the technology to potentially rewind the effects of aging at the DNA level.
Thanks to the combined efforts of prestigious research centers around the globe, the code’s finally been cracked.
But these elite research institutions and their breakthroughs aren’t always picked up by the mainstream media.
That’s why I’ve decided that average Americans deserve a chance to use this life-changing breakthrough.
It’s easy and simple to use – you can do it in the comfort of your own home
And you deserve to experience the profound changes…
This mission is personal for me.
As I said before, I’ve been practicing medicine for almost 4 decades.
The average American at my age struggles with their weight…
Feels frustrated with more and more memory slips…
And thinks a lot about their heart health…
But I don’t. Not anymore…
Thanks to my personal use of this breakthrough.
Bottom line: I feel younger NOW than 40 years ago, when I first began treating patients.
Honestly, I feel like an energized 30-year-old.
Now, I’m not saying this to brag…
Instead, I want to give you the opportunity to experience this for yourself.
In this presentation, I’ll show you exactly how it all works and how you can get this for yourself.
The core of my age-fighting solution is 2 special substances.
Behind laboratory doors, scientists have been conducting experiment after experiment on these substances.
They’ve measured how they potentially help support your DNA. Other scientists have shown how they help erase your fatigue and improve your brainpower.
One of the substances is backed by a Nobel Prize!
The winning scientist, named Dr. Hans von Euler, declared in his Nobel Lecture that one of these substances is one of the “biologically most important activators within the plant and animal world.”
Activate what, exactly?
As you’ll soon see, it helps activate…
Young DNA…
Young cells…
And a young brain and body.
Young enough that you could improve your short-term memory.
Your energy could return.
You could reprogram your cells to stay young.
Even if you’re in your Golden Years.
Now, this life-changing research has been going on for several decades…
And a few billionaires, eager to live longer, have provided private funding.
Although they may want to restrict this breakthrough for themselves, I’ve managed to get all the information…
And I’m making it available in this presentation to hardworking, everyday Americans like you and me.
So, let’s dive exactly into what this is.
Here’s the secret to help stop and
FIGHT your aging process…
It all comes back to your “cellular renewal” I mentioned earlier.
Imagine you suddenly shrank down to smaller than just 1/100th of the width of a human hair…
That’s how teeny tiny your cells are.
But you’ve got over 32 TRILLION of them. That’s more than the number of grains of sand on all the beaches in the world.
Now, if you could shrink down and watch your cells, you’d see that new ones are constantly created.
They start off strong and healthy.
But then the cells get older and, eventually, they get worn down.
Then, your body gets rid of the old cells and makes new ones.
This is how your body naturally works.
And when you were young, your cells replaced themselves rapidly.
Now, this is very important…
Think back to when you turned 30.
You were probably just about as healthy, strong, and energized as you were when you were 20.
Because even though you got more mature, your cells could still replace themselves as quickly as they needed to.
But once you reached middle age… something happened…
You started feeling tired in the afternoon. Lunchtime turned into naptime.
You lost your mental sharpness.
Decades before, you’d shake your head at how men and women in your parents’ generation acted.
But then you started to feel like they felt…
What was going on?
Your cells began replacing themselves more slowly.
Your cellular renewal slowed way down.
Too many of your cells grew old…
And when your body’s cells grow old, YOU grow old.
You see, scientifically speaking… the truth is NOT, “As you get older, your body replaces your cells slower.”
The real truth is…
“As your body replaces your
cells slower, you get older”
That’s how aging actually works.
And it’s no fun.
You feel bone tired.
Your memory slips here and there.
Your body’s just not what it once was.
And it’s all because of your older cells.
But why does cellular renewal slow down?
Why can’t we just stay young and healthy forever?
Because something is controlling your cellular renewal.
That’s the key to the Ivy League breakthrough discovery.
They figured out how to help activate your body’s Youth Enzyme… so you can keep your cells young.
It’s not any kind of food…
It’s not anything about your lifestyle…
And it’s not anything in the environment.
In fact…
This Youth Enzyme is already inside your body
It helps control the speed of your aging.
It can speed it up or slow it down…
And that’s the good news.
You see, potentially, this Youth Enzyme can slow down your cellular renewal… but it can also speed it back up.
When that happens, your body’s cells could replace themselves faster.
As a result, more of them stay young…
And when your body’s cells stay young, YOU stay young.
It’s a biological fact.
It’s the same thing that was happening naturally in your 20s and 30s.
And, now, we can make it happen again. No matter your current age…
The bottom line is…
Ivy League scientists have now discovered how to help activate what controls your cellular renewal…
And so you could speed it back up.
It starts with a substance called T354…
T354 first became famous because scientists thought it was the answer to something called the “French Paradox.”
You see, men and women in France enjoy all the sinful foods you’re “not supposed to eat.”

Bacon, butter, cake, pie… washed down with plenty of wine.
Yet they still enjoy amazing heart health.
That’s the French Paradox.
Scientists started to wonder if all that wine actually helped the French people enjoy perfect heart health…
Which was how they discovered the power of T354. Wine is chockfull of this T354 compound.
Now, T354 does something very interesting to your body.
It makes a specific change so it’s almost as if you’re on a super-strict diet… even though you’re not.
In fact, as you’re about to see, T354 started improving folks’ blood flow just 60 minutes after taking the first dose!
But back to how it works…
Scientists have confirmed restricting calories a lot is key to extending your life.
Research is already showing when monkeys eat much fewer calories, they live much longer.
But starving yourself is difficult, miserable… and it has terrible side-effects.
A lemur study showed calorie-restriction increased their lifespan by 50%, but their brains were negatively affected.
So, how to get the heart-healthy, life-extending benefits of calorie restriction without feeling starved or getting side-effects?
In a groundbreaking study, Ivy League scientists figured out this is where T354 works its magic.
The scientists gave T354 to mice… and let them eat way more food than a mouse should.
It was like you or me getting to enjoy burgers, chips, ice cream, cake, and drink tons of soda.
But here’s the twist…
The scientists ALSO gave these mice some T354.
And the T354 re-wired the genetics of the mice, causing them to live so much longer…
The scientists published the study before they could even figure out how long the mice were going to live!
That’s right. They ate tons of food and still lived LONGER than a normal mouse.
How would you like to NEVER DIET AGAIN… but still live longer than anyone you know?
But the scientists were just getting warmed up…
Another study showed that T354 increased lifespan by a staggering 59%.
The experiment was done on fish, and the scientists even scanned them at the cellular level, to show that they were younger. See for yourself:

What you’re looking at, is microscopic photos of cells.
The greener the photo, the more aging there is.
This type of fish lives for an average of 13 weeks.
On the left is a 5-week-old fish, which is the equivalent of a 27-year-old person.
In the middle is a 9-week-old fish, the equivalent of a 50-year-old person. You can see much more green, which is the older cells.
On the right is another 9-week-old fish. But this one was given T354.
As you can see, it looked the same as the 5-week-old-fish… as if it didn’t age at all!
Think about that for a moment…
Keep in mind that these “T354 fish” weren’t simply healthier – although that would still be amazing…
They actually lived 59% longer!
Not a bad result, right?
Imagine if that could be replicated in humans and what it’d be like to watch your great-grandchildren graduate high school and run to give them a big bear hug!
Now, human studies on T354 have already begun.
Of course, it’s going to be a while before we can measure increases in longevity because of better heart health…
But we don’t need to wait nearly as long to see how it fights aging in the human body.
As it turns out, we only need to wait 1 hour.
Because research is already showing T354 could help increase blood flow in 60 minutes flat.
That could mean a younger heart… a younger cardiovascular system… and not giving a second thought to your heart health.
It gets better…
T354 works on more than just your heart.
It helps improve your brain – and works just as fast as it does for your heart.
One small study found that it improved blood flow to the brain in 60 minutes.
Specifically, it improved something called “flow mediated dilation” from 4.1 to 7.7… that’s an amazing 88%!
Your thinking could be sharper and clearer. Let me show you…
In a clinical trial, volunteers up to 80 years old took a tiny amount of T354 and improved their memory, compared to volunteers who got a placebo.
It could even help promote a healthy weight and improve your insulin sensitivity.
In just 6 months, 500 mg of T354 can also help slam the brakes on the loss of bone mineral density with age.
That means, even in your Golden Years, you’ll feel confident that your bones can stay strong and healthy
Now, how on earth could a simple formula – that you can simply swallow in a pill – work so well?
It’s because T354 affects a specific enzyme in your body.
Biologically speaking, this is like cracking the code on a bank vault. Here’s why…
The enzyme that T354 affects is very special…
As you might know, enzymes cause chain reactions in your body.
And this enzyme is like the king of enzymes… especially when it comes to your aging.
It’s called SIRT1.
You don’t need to memorize this. Just know that scientists think SIRT1 could control how fast or how slow your cells regenerate themselves.
In other words, SIRT1 could command your cells to slow down as you get older, which keeps you stuck with old cells…
Or SIRT1 commands your cells to regenerate faster, so you could be blessed with keeping YOUNG cells.
It gets more amazing…
Not only does SIRT1 help support your cells… it also supports your DNA.
And because SIRT1 supports your cells and DNA, it could help control everything about your health and how you age.
Your healthy inflammatory response...
Brain health...
Oxidative stress...
DNA health...
Oxygenating your cells...
Blood sugar...
Fat metabolism...
Hormone optimization...
I’m sure your doctor has talked to you about your blood sugar, your waistline, and maybe even your hormones as you’ve aged.
It can feel overwhelming, but here’s what you need to know:
SIRT1 rules over it all.
That’s why Ivy League universities have been so interested in SIRT1… and… how to control it.
Thanks to decades of research, a Nobel-prize winning scientist, and the combined efforts of prestigious researchers around the globe…
They finally found their answer.
As you just learned, it starts with T354.
And new research from Switzerland also shows that it helps activate SIRT1 safely.
Imagine taking a couple of pills, waiting just 1 hour, and experiencing better blood flow…
Even if you spend that hour on your couch enjoying a slice of pie!
The next time you visit your doctor for a check-up, you get an “A+” on your blood pressure reading and a hearty “congratulations!” on your blood sugar.
You’re not exactly surprised, either, because you’ve already been feeling more clear-headed and noticing your memory is sharper.
However, you need to be careful…
Normally, T354 is difficult for your body to absorb when taken orally.
For maximum absorption, you need a special kind.
And you need it to be bioidentical to the kind found in nature.
The science behind all this is complicated.
But I made everything easy because I found a source for a super-absorbing, bioidentical T354.
It’s called resVida™.
So, how does resVida work so well?
Now, before I show you the best way to get your hands on resVida, it’s important for you to know…
ResVida is just the first part of rewinding age in virtually every part of your body.
For complete age-rewinding, there are 3 parts
I’ll quickly show them to you right now.
They’re very simple.
And when you properly use all 3…
You could support healthy aging in your cells and your circulatory system and even your metabolism.
That’s how you get a memory that’s stronger, triglycerides that are picture-perfect, and the blood flow and waistline of a young, fit person.
You could be able to reprogram your cells to stay young. More on that in a moment…
The bottom line is, you can do all 3 parts by taking a single, miraculous pill.
It works so well, I can’t restrict it to my patients anymore…
As a doctor who took the Hippocratic Oath, it is my sworn duty to spread the word about this new technology.
This pill is called Regenalin™.
Regenalin is my own private patient formula for helping fight your age.
It contains resVida, as well as the other breakthrough substance, to help turn back the clock in virtually every part of your body.
Including your heart and your waistline.
Before we go on, I need to be clear. Regenalin is NOT for everyone.
Even though it’s easy to use – just 1 capsule in the morning and evening – Regenalin is not like any pill you’ve taken or heard about.
The pills may look the same as others you’ve taken before… but Regenalin is in a completely different class.
A whole different category… simply because of how it helps rejuvenate your body’s cells.
Something as advanced as Regenalin is not a cheap compound to create.
The formula contains the substances heavily researched by an Ivy League scientist.
The advanced science behind Regenalin means it’s in a completely different category than a cheap vitamin blend.
Regenalin is currently the only way to properly use all 3 crucial parts to help fight aging in your entire body
And to be frank, when you use Regenalin to rewind aging in virtually every cell of your entire body, you won’t need anything else…
It will replace all the over-the-counter stuff in your medicine cabinet.
So, if you are ready to keep your cells young, then keep reading.
As you’re about to see, every cell in your body could all improve.
When you increase your cellular renewal, the process is, quite simply, unstoppable.
And for reasons I’ll discuss in a moment, Regenalin is available only through this presentation.
Beware of imposters claiming they possess this 3-part combination.
The good news is, you don’t need a prescription for it.
But for a long time, the bad news was… only my patients at my medical center could get this formula.
However, I came up with a way for seniors across America to help fight aging in their body’s cells.
Yes, without flying to my Massachusetts practice for an appointment with me.
That’s because I’ve decided to release this formula on a limited basis to American men and women over the age of 50…
Who are ready to use the future of science to get younger.
So, let’s dive into Parts 2 and 3:
As you know, the first part is to help activate your SIRT1…
Which potentially commands your cellular renewal to speed up – just like when you were younger.
You do this by taking resVida.
As a result, you’ll be using the substance shown to improve triglycerides… blood sugar… cholesterol… heart health… even the waistline…
Now, that’s Part 1. And it’s included in my age-fighting Regenalin formula…
But that’s just the beginning of what’s possible.
Next is to fight aging in ALL of your cells
To do this, you need Part 2.
Here’s what it is…
As you learned before, your powerful enzyme SIRT1 helps support virtually every part of your body.
This includes your cells.
As you learned, resVida activates SIRT1 so you help rewind the age of your heart.
However, you can also help activate SIRT1 to potentially keep your cells young.
You just need to activate it in a slightly different way… and use a different compound.
This compound is being researched by Ivy League scientists. In fact, here’s a direct quote from an Ivy League Medical School scientist that’s studying this substance:
“[This substance] is the closest we’ve gotten to a fountain of youth.”
His name is Dr. Sinclair and he’s 50 years old. He’s also Co-director of the Center for the Biology of Aging at an Ivy League Medical School.
Now that he’s taking this substance, Dr. Sinclair has admitted, “My physical and mental capabilities are just as good as when I was 20.”
This substance is called NAD+.
NAD+ is a “super substance” that’s naturally present in our bodies when we’re young.
This natural NAD+ substance helps activate SIRT1.
If you have enough, your SIRT1 gets activated and your cells could be replaced more quickly, so you have more “young cells” and you feel and look younger!
Unfortunately, in vitro studies show its levels fall with age, both in your body and your brain.
That’s why your cellular renewal slows down… and it’s why you start to experience all the symptoms of “old age!”
Of course, this got researchers wondering… what would happen if you flooded your body with NAD+?
Would your aging slow down?
Would it stop?
Would you get younger?
There was only one way to find out…
First, Ivy League scientists gave mice a compound that would transform into NAD+ inside their bodies.
At the start of the experiment, these mice were old enough to be the equivalent of 70-year-old humans.
So, what happened when they got the super formula?
The “70-year-old” mice nearly DOUBLED their athletic strength, power, and endurance.
The “control group” of mice (the ones who didn’t get the compound) could run only 780 feet.
But the mice who got this compound, on the other hand, could run a full 1,400 feet… almost twice as far as the mice who didn’t get the compound!
For a human, that means if you can run one mile now… it could be like running a mile further… as a 70-year-old!
It’s like it literally TRANSFORMED these old mice back into young, energetic creatures in the prime of life…
Imagine feeling so much energy, you don’t need to take any breaks throughout the day. You don’t need to nap anymore…

Because you’ve got the same endless energy you did when you were younger.
The scientists tested this treatment on young mice too. And something interesting happened…
Which was absolutely nothing.
The young mice didn’t change.
And it made sense:
If you’re old, this NAD+ super-substance could make you young
But if you’re already young, it has no changes to make!
Scientists conducted other studies too, on different forms of animal life.
Over and over again, they found this NAD+ super substance extended life.
So, what would happen if a human got NAD+?
Scientists are finally getting the answers.
And even though we’re just scratching the surface of this new science, the results are already blowing us away…
Of course, with humans it’s much more difficult to test if something will increase your lifespan.
After all, we’ll literally be waiting a long time to measure the results.
But doctors are excited… and some are feeling the extraordinary benefits already.
Dr. David Sinclair – who’s 50 – feels like he’s in his 20s.
His 70+ year old father feels 30!
And other scientists are already measuring plenty of faster health benefits…
In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study, scientists at Georgetown University School of Medicine tested this super substance on volunteers with fatigue.
They found NAD+ helped ramp up energy for 8 people who took it for 4 weeks, and only 2 people in the placebo (sugar pill) group felt more energized. But that’s not what’s most interesting…
Here’s a quote from the scientists’ published paper: “The reported feeling of one subject being overly stimulated, suggests that the dosage could be decreased.”
In other words… the volunteer with fatigue ended up almost TOO energized by this NAD+ super substance! That’s just astonishing…
How would you like to cruise through your day with more energy than you’d ever need?
In a later study on 31 patients, scientists found NAD+ cut fatigue nearly in half !
Clearly something BIG was happening inside their bodies.
They were becoming younger from
the inside out
There’s so much more.
It works for brain health too.
In a small medical study, the volunteers who took NAD+ plus 15 common vitamins and minerals for 3 months improved their scores on a memory test by an average of 64%.

With that kind of increase in brainpower, you could be better remembering facts, figures, names, and lists with ease.
Without struggle or frustration – just like when you were younger.
And the volunteers in the memory study weren’t kids or even young adults. They were up to 94 years old.
But still, they were improving their brains like never before.
You can throw out all your “reminder lists” and never worry about losing your car keys.
Plus, a 64% improvement is just the beginning of what NAD+ can do…
Another study on people with more severe memory decline showed even more dramatic results.
The volunteers taking NAD+ improved one area of their memory a staggering almost 4X better than the placebo group.
To be honest, when they see the other changes you go through, they’re going to wonder if you’re aging backwards.
If you want, you could tell them how your body ages based on the speed of your cellular renewal.
And how SIRT1 could speed it up.
So, when scientists give some to men and women and measure things like fatigue vanishing and brainpower improving…
These are just the results… of something much more exciting going on.
Something that’s invisible to the naked eye.
It’s all your cells staying younger.
And when your cells get younger, your energy could improve.
So could your heart and blood flow.
So could your thinking.
And your memory.
So could practically every function of your body.
When you help increase your “cellular renewal”, that’s exactly what’s going to happen.
Biologically, it must happen.
And, as you learned, it comes down to a natural chemical compound called NAD+.
And it activates SIRT1.
That’s right…
NAD+ activates SIRT1 in a specific way that causes your body to potentially keep your cells new and young… like magic
That’s why Dr. David Sinclair gave NAD+ to his father – and why he now takes it himself.
It’s also why the scientist said, "[This] is one of the most important molecules for life."
At this point in history, few people outside of the Ivy League and other medical institutions know about the power of NAD+.
You heard about how billionaires are plowing their money into the research…
In fact, we’re lucky to know about it at all.
Because the mainstream media is controlled by Big Pharma.
I’m sure you’ve noticed how every other ad on TV is for one of their drugs.
And nothing they’ve done comes close to the power of accelerating your cellular renewal.
Fortunately, I uncovered the cutting-edge research through my Ivy League connections.
That’s when I began using NAD+ for myself and my patients here at my Massachusetts clinic.
The results have been nothing short of astonishing…
People think I’m years and years younger than I really am.
Take a moment and consider what it’ll mean for you, when all your cells stay young.
What’s frustrating you about your health right now?
How thrilling is it going to be when all that vanishes?
And you get to relish your day without pausing to think about your health?
How much fun are you going to have with your younger body?
Maybe you’ll buy some new clothes, enjoy a vacation… or maybe something else?
As you consider the endless possibilities, it’s important to know that I’ve already secured a supply of NAD+ and it’s already in my formula.
Now, with both NAD+ and resVida, you’ll be activating your powerful SIRT1 enzyme in 2 different ways simultaneously.
First, NAD+ activates SIRT1 to potentially command your cells to renew themselves faster, so you could grow younger from your head to your toes.
Next, resVida activates SIRT1 to help improve your blood flow and make your heart healthier.
You could be pumping blood through your entire system like an energized youngster again… starting in just 60 minutes.
Imagine that, for a moment...
Taking your first dose of Regenalin and, before you even have time to wonder if it’s working, you could feel your blood flow strengthening.
The fun part is, your blood flow strengthens in every part of your body, if you catch my drift.
So, even if you weren’t thinking about it an hour before, you might decide to take your spouse by the hand and race to the bedroom…

As the weeks go by, you feel so much energy… and your blood flows with so much more power…
That while you’re striding around your block, you think about running in a local race.
That is, if your competition even stands a chance with your new “unfair advantage.”
With both these advanced ingredients in a single formula, that’s exactly what Regenalin is – an unfair advantage for your health.
I knew Regenalin was so close to becoming the ultimate formula for triggering your DNA and your 32 trillion cells to stay young…
But it needed one more ingredient to finally be complete – and to be your “one-stop shop” for fully staying young.
You’ve learned how it’s now possible to rewind aging in your cells.
All the research you just saw, shows this.
You’ve also learned how it’s possible to rewind the age of your entire cardiovascular system…
But, if you’re like many senior Americans, you’re carrying a bit of extra weight around your waistline.
Let’s face it. Becoming young again isn’t nearly as much fun if you’re still stuck with your spare tire.
That’s the bad news… but there’s good news too:
Just like you can rewind age in your DNA and your heart…
You can now burn fat by rewinding age
in your metabolism
When you do, you’ll automatically program it to burn your fat for life-giving energy.
Scientists figured out how.
It all comes down to another enzyme called AMPK.
The way AMPK works is simple. It’s either switched ON or it’s switched OFF.
When it’s switched on, AMPK forces your body to burn body fat like crazy.
Ever stared at someone and felt so jealous as they ate an entire pizza… and they complained they can’t gain any weight?!
Or maybe you enjoyed a lightning-quick metabolism when you were young…
You can thank AMPK for that.
And the latest science is confirming it:
The secret to burning fat for energy… while hardly even trying… is to flip AMPK on.
Not only that, animal research shows AMPK is important for keeping healthy blood sugar… and could even help your body fat disappear.
Like your body was returning to when you were young.
And it’s now possible…
Scientists have found not just one… but 2 amazing herbs that had greater fat-burning power than any other herb they tested:
They’re called Sphaeranthus indicus and Garcinia mangostana.
In a stroke of brilliance...
These scientists combined both herbs into one super ingredient.
In vitro research sponsored by the creators of the ingredient combo shows it helps switch your AMPK enzyme on so you could burn fat like magic.
First, this super ingredient causes cells to REFUSE to get fat!
This was shown in a lab study on mouse cells.
And for people, the results are even more dramatic…
This super ingredient was tested on real men and women in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical trial.
Here’s what happened…
The study consisted of 57 men and women.
Half got this super herbal blend, and the other half got a placebo.
Both groups ate an average 2,000 calories per day for 16 weeks.
To be honest, this isn’t exactly a tough diet to stick to.
For many folks, it’s not even a “diet” at all.
Both groups were instructed to walk 30 minutes a day, 5 times a week as a form of exercise.
Again, I’m sure you walk every day. So these aren’t challenging conditions.
Both groups were even allowed to eat plenty of tasty carb-rich foods…
They just had to stick to a normal, 2,000 calorie diet.
Now here’s what happened after 16 weeks…
The placebo group felt pangs of hunger throughout the entire study… but…
The lucky men and women taking this super ingredient barely felt hungry at all!
And yet they still lost far more weight than the placebo group…
In fact, they lost weight FOUR TIMES MORE WEIGHT than the placebo group.
See for yourself. The placebo group lost only a measly 2.4 pounds. But the super ingredient group lost a whopping 11.2 pounds!:

If you’ve been frustrated by how maddeningly slow your weight loss has been in the past, imagine your results with this super ingredient.
It slams the pedal to the metal on your weight loss…
But that’s not all…
The men and women marveled at how their waist and hips shrank like crazy.
They lost an average of 4 inches from their hips and waistlines.
If these are your “problem areas” then this super ingredient could be your silver bullet... see for yourself:

Okay, now the most exciting part…
You already know this super ingredient can help accelerate weight loss so it’s four times more compared to placebo…
But what I didn’t mention was how FAST these results can come.
For the lucky men and women in the clinical trial, they…
Began shrinking their waistline and hips in just 14 days!
Take a look at your calendar.
Look three weeks ahead (I’m giving a few extra days for you to get this super ingredient in your hands).
That’s going to be a blink of an eye… and you could be on your way to wearing a smaller dress size or pant size.
What kind of difference will that make in your health?
And how you feel… and how people treat you?
Like you’re more attractive? Younger? You might be surprised...
One thing is for sure. When you flip your AMPK on, your fat can come off.
The process is simply unstoppable.
That’s how you can simultaneously rewind time in your cells, your brain, your heart, and cardiovascular system… and even your waistline.
When the process is finished, you could be a whole new person.
Here’s the great news…
Once I confirmed these fat-burning results, I knew this super ingredient was the perfect finishing touch for Regenalin.
Yes, even though these compounds are not cheap to create, I managed to get my hands on ALL 3 to complete the life-changing Regenalin formula.
In a moment, I’ll show how you can use it to rewind age in your DNA.
Okay, we’ve covered a lot here today, so I’ll recap:
After decades of research, scientists have finally cracked the code on rewinding your biological age.
And you’re now able to try this formula.
Finally, you don’t have to worry about embarrassing “senior moments.”
You don’t have to give your heart health a second thought.
You don’t have to feel exhausted.
Instead, you can enjoy the best years of your life now and for decades to come
You get to feel like your life’s just beginning.
As the days, months, years, and decades go by, you get to smile and realize the simple truth…
Time may pass, but your body gets to stay young.
The scientific secret comes down to your cellular renewal.
When your cells potentially renew themselves faster… you could remain biologically young.
By using the compounds in this formula, real people have achieved…
Better blood sugar and better cholesterol…
Medical studies have shown men and women enjoy:
Triglycerides improving 42%...
Better blood flow in just an hour…
More energy…
Strengthening their memory...
And effortlessly melting 4 full inches off their waists.
You could reprogram your cells to stay young.
Now it’s time.
This groundbreaking formula is completely unique… and not available anywhere else.
It took me almost 40 years of practicing medicine and the breakthrough discoveries by leading scientists…
Before anything like this became available.
But now, this new technology is finally ready.
Are you sick of brain fog?
Do you want to feel smarter, more focused, and enjoy a better memory as time goes on?
Do you want to feel thrilled with your triglycerides, blood flow, and how healthy your heart is?
And be amazed at how you fly through the day with energy you thought was gone forever?
How would you like people to start asking you for advice on staying young?
Is this something you’re satisfied just fantasizing about… or do you want it to come true for you?
Are you ready to be one of the few that gets to take advantage of this?
The fact is, you can’t un-know what you learned today.
Now, you’re standing at a crossroads. You have only 2 choices.
- You can do nothing. You can accept that your cells are getting older and older. You already know how exhausted you are. How much you hurt after “overdoing it”.
Unless you speed up your cellular renewal, things could just keep getting worse.
Your fatigue could get worse. So could your triglycerides, blood sugar, and brain fog.
- Or… you can get your hands on the advanced Regenalin breakthrough… and potentially speed up your cellular renewal so your entire body could become younger.
I hope the choice for you is clear.
However, if you delay, there’s no guarantee you’ll even be able to get a supply.
Again, Regenalin is not cheap.
Its ingredients are backed by some of the most cutting-edge science I’ve seen as a doctor.
There’s nothing else like Regenalin out there.
It’s completely different and new.
With Regenalin, every single part of your body could grow younger with no effort on your part.
Imagine a retirement where you wake up every morning bursting with energy…
Where your heart health is the last thing on your mind. And you’re having much more fun enjoying your newfound brainpower and sharp memory.
This could be your future, as long as you speed up your cellular renewal.
With that said, here’s the complete breakdown of what you’ll receive in this DNA-enhancing solution:
You get 10 mg of NAD+ – the Ivy League-researched compound that helps activate your SIRT1 for potentially younger cells…
250 mg of resVida, the unique resveratrol formulation that helps activate your SIRT1 specifically for better blood flow in 1 hour.
Both your brain and circulatory system could become younger…
And 400 mg of Sphaeranthus indicus and Garcinia mangostana, the super ingredient combo that helps activate your AMPK enzyme.
This can trigger your fat to burn for energy, and it melted 4 inches off participants’ waistlines in a clinical study…
I worked with my team at Real Advantage Nutrients to carefully combine all of these powerhouse ingredients into a single, convenient capsule.
Now, with Regenalin’s breakthrough cellular renewal formula…
You could enjoy a younger body and a better life
But there is one thing…
The only way to get my exclusive formula is right here, right now.
Please understand, this cellular renewal combination doesn’t exist anywhere else.
Before I decided to release this formula, your only chance to get it was if you were a patient at my Massachusetts clinic.
Today, however, for the first time… you can get it delivered straight to your door.
As you’ve learned, cellular renewal is the scientific key to keeping your mind and body young.
When you speed it up… your entire body could become young again.
This is the breakthrough Ivy League Universities have been researching for years and years.
The clinical studies show your body could start responding in just 1 hour.
Within a matter of weeks you could achieve better blood sugar and better cholesterol
Studies show men and women enjoy:
More energy…
Triglycerides improving 42%...
Blood flow strengthening 88% in one hour – a clear sign of a younger heart…
Memory improving...
Melting 4 full inches off your waist…
And reprogram your cells to stay young.
All because you revitalized your DNA and internal chemistry back to its “young setting.”
When your cells fight their age, you won’t return to the old you…
You’ll return to the young you.
That’s how the ingredients in my breakthrough Regenalin formula work.
And it will work for you.
Yes, even if you thought you were too old for anything to work. Because this directly addresses the reason you “age.”
Like all my Real Advantage Nutrients formulas, Regenalin is created in a certified facility right here in the United States. And it’s also non-GMO.
Regenalin is a quantum leap ahead, and its components are specifically designed to help activate your Youth Enzyme so you could become young…
In addition, taking Regenalin is easy – just 1 tiny capsule with breakfast and 1 with dinner.
When you flood your system with a consistent supply of this formula…
You could help activate your Youth Enzyme in EXACTLY the right ways to enjoy a younger brain, heart, and body.
Just like the Ivy League research has shown.
It’s the exact formula your cells need… so you can feel the energy and clear memory you deserve.
Consider the path your parents took.
They didn’t have the opportunity you have now, to speed up cellular renewal.
Instead of denying yourself, make the decision to take advantage of Regenalin
If you’re still concerned about the investment to help ramp up your Youth Enzyme and become younger, consider this:
Regenalin is much more affordable than less healthy treatments that merely hide your aging.
For instance, getting some “work done” for your skin can cost up to $15,000 or more.
If you go this route, you still won’t get the life-giving energy or mental focus you can with Regenalin.
Or consider the cost of a high-end personal trainer. If you pay for just 2 sessions per week, you might end up spending $960 month after month.
But now, that’s not necessary. You can get Regenalin for a fraction of that cost.
Especially today because for a short period of time, you can get the same pricing I give my patients here in my Massachusetts clinic.
With the help of a temporary rebate offer, we’ve broken things down so your age-fighting investment is less than purchasing a daily fancy coffee. Here’s how:
A one-month supply of Regenalin is set to retail for $399.
It’s the bargain of a lifetime… but that’s not what you have to invest on this page’s special offer.
First, as part of my initial release of Regenalin, you’ll get $200 off, as an instant rebate.
That’s just $199 for a full 1-month supply.
Plus, if you chose a 3 or 6 bottle option, you save up to an additional 45% off the normal retail price.
Whatever option you’ll choose, as long as you reserve your supply from this page, you’ll see your $200 per bottle rebate has already been applied.
And it’s available ONLY on this page.
I’ll save you time – if you search around, you won’t find a better bargain than right where you are now.
I understand if this is still a bit of a stretch for some.
But consider – what is restoring your young body and mind worth to you?
You can’t find a scientific formula of this caliber on the discount shelves or elsewhere on the internet.
And not only that, in a moment from now I’ll explain how you can try Regenalin with ZERO risk. More details on that shortly…
With just a simple choice, you get to feel young again…
Like you’ve returned to your younger days… with energy, clear thinking, and
a slimmer body
How would it feel to have more energy than you need?
With Regenalin, you’ll never have to feel bad about your age again… because it’s now truly just a number.
And you certainly won’t have to “act your age” at all!
Once you start using the technology in Regenalin…
The NAD+ will activate your SIRT1…
Your SIRT1 will potentially speed up your cellular renewal…
And all 32 TRILLION of your cells could become younger.
You could get brand-new energy, brand-new brain power, brand-new heart health… and even a brand-new waistline…
In fact, very soon after that 1st hour, you could get what I like to call the “I’m truly younger” moment.

It could be when you’re out, running around the block…
Shopping for new pants…
Smiling as you ace a crossword puzzle…
Or when you catch a glance of yourself in the mirror…
And that’s when you realize it’s real.
You see, it’s one thing for you to read about Ivy League scientists cracking the code on fighting your aging process…
And to hear about animal studies showing this technology increased lifespan 59%…
And to see the human research, already showing blood flow enhancement of 88% and memory improvements... or waistlines shrinking by 4 inches…
But it’s a different thing entirely when you see and feel the difference in your own body.
Almost like you’re glowing. And why wouldn’t you?
After all, it’s not like you’re simply feeling a little more energy here and there.
Your body is now younger.
You’re transforming the cells in your body.
You’re making them work just like when you were younger.
As you turn away from your mirror to enjoy yet another fun day, you realize this is your new life with eternally young cells.
All thanks to Regenalin.
Instead of dreading all the frustrations you used to run into, you’re enjoying your health again, like you’ve always hoped for.
You have more than enough energy for working in the garage, tending to your garden, or playing with your grandkids…
Going on a fun cruise, or even just enjoying cooking a quiet dinner at home…
Don’t be surprised if your friends pull you aside, asking what new diet you’re on. Just don’t try to disappoint them too much, when you say you haven’t changed a thing…
Except, of course, for one thing.
Actually, that brings up an important point I discuss with my patients:
When you speed up your cellular renewal, you could be biological younger. It’s a fact.
With that said, your friends might not believe you.
Especially when you try to explain to them how easy it is.
You might want to keep your secret to yourself.
Maybe even shrug your shoulders and say it’s “just genetics.” Technically, that’s true…
Except, because you’re activating your SIRT1… YOU are in charge of your genetics.
You are in charge of your DNA…
And you are in charge of your energy, heart health, and brain power.
But you don’t have to take my word for it.
You don’t even need to trust the confirmed science from an Ivy League University.
I’m so confident this formula is going to help speed up your cellular renewal, I want you to try Regenalin with ZERO risk.
That’s right… you have an unlimited guarantee when you try Regenalin today.
Here’s how it works…
Reserve your own supply of Regenalin today.
Then, when it arrives in a week or so, open it immediately.
Follow the instructions and start taking Regenalin daily.
Then… do absolutely nothing else. That’s right…
You don’t have to change your routine, or stop doing the activities you love, or avoid your favorite foods. No exhausting yourself with exercise.
Just take Regenalin every day and let the formula get to work.
In just 1 hour, your blood flow could ramp up.
Both to your heart and your brain.
As the weeks go by, you’ll say, “Where’d all this extra energy come from?”
Because during all those little breaks you used to need throughout the day, you’re having fun instead.
Your memory feels clearer…
Plus, every time you visit your doctor, you get a fun reminder of how much healthier your heart is, when you hear about your triglycerides improving.
However, if for any reason, you aren’t 100% satisfied with your age fighting, simply give us a call or send us an email…
And we’ll give you back every penny, no questions asked.
Let me repeat that… for any reason at all, simply request a refund and we’ll be happy to oblige.

And your guarantee NEVER expires.
You can request a refund any time in the future – it could be 6 months from now… a year… there is no limit or expiration.
This way…
There’s no pressure… and no risk… when you try Regenalin today.
That’s how I run things at my clinic and I’m extending that courtesy to you.
In a few moments, you’ll have the opportunity to reserve your personal supply.
When the button appears below, click on it and fill out your shipping information on the next page.
If you do so today, you’ll notice your $200 rebate already applied.
Once you complete your reservation, we’ll begin packing your shipment of Regenalin and we’ll rush it your way.
Just a few short days from now, you’ll receive a plain package from USPS.
The return address will simply say “Real Advantage Nutrients.” Don’t worry – we keep things discreet.
Carefully packed inside will be your initial supply of Regenalin.
I recommend you immediately bring your Regenalin supply into your kitchen, open it up…
And take your first capsule with water or the beverage of your choice.
Don’t make any other changes to your life…
Because you won’t have to.
There’s a very strong potential that…
Day by day, your cellular renewal
could speed up
The benefits will happen on their own.
Ok, it’s time.
If you’re ready for this breakthrough to help give you better blood sugar and better cholesterol…
Studies show men and women enjoy:
Triglycerides 42% healthier...
Way more energy…
88% stronger blood flow in one hour – a clear sign of a younger heart…
A more powerful memory...
Melt 4 full inches off your waist…
And your cells reprogrammed to stay young…
Then go ahead and click the button below now.
It will take you to our secure reservation page, where you can select your supply of Regenalin.
Do click the button now. I’ll see you on the other side…
For Regenalin and Real Advantage Nutrients, I’m Dr. Glenn Rothfeld.
Click the “Add to Cart” button below to get your risk-free supply of Regenalin now.
Regenalin now RISK-FREE
View this product's ingredients.
resVida™ is a trademark of DSM.
MERATRIM™ is a trademark of Laila Nutraceuticals.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Still here? Remember, we have a limited number of containers of Regenalin in stock and over 600,000 men and women are seeing this message.
If you close this page and miss this chance, Regenalin might be gone when you come back. At that point, the best we can do is put you on the waiting list, while other men and women enjoy speeding up their cellular renewal. Don’t risk it. Jump on this opportunity now. Click the Add To Cart button above to get your risk-free supply of Regenalin now.