“Superior” - Yale * “Ingenious” – Memory Expert

Chinese Laboratory Accident Leads To Discovery of…

Miracle Memory Booster for Seniors

Incredible at-home treatment successfully reverses age-related memory loss in China, but COVERED UP in USA. READ BELOW for details…

Hello. My name is Dr. Glenn Rothfeld, MD.

And if you or a loved one are thinking about your aging memory, you need to see this entire presentation…

To hear the amazing story about how a group of Chinese scientists…

Accidentally discovered one of the greatest memory boosters the world has ever seen.

Yes… accidentally.

I’m talking about a scientific breakthrough that’s completely changing the way we talk about age-related memory loss.

Let me ask you something…

Have you ever heard that there’s not much you can do about age-related memory loss?

Or eating a lot of vegetables and taking daily walks is your only hope at slowing down your brain’s inevitable aging?

Pretty disheartening, right?

Well friend, I’m happy to say that changes today.

And for anyone dealing with a fading memory as you age: Now there’s hope.

In fact, this breakthrough is already working to help boost the memory of seniors

And can even REVERSE age-related memory loss.

But that’s not even the most incredible part.

Researchers at the renowned Sichuan University in China found…

This simple solution goes to work almost instantly…

…becoming detectable in the bloodstream in just 5 minutes.


In the amount of time it takes you to brew a cup of coffee…

You could be well on your way to being able to retrieve memories, passwords, names, and directions with such ease

That your friends and family won’t believe your new brain power.

Grandfather putting together a puzzle with grandson

Friend, you’ll be outsmarting your kids and grandkids in everything from political debates to Trivial Pursuit.

And when you bump into an old acquaintance you’ll have no trouble remembering not only his name…

But the names of his wife, kids, and grandkids, too.

You can finally say goodbye to that anxious feeling you get…

…when you take a wrong turn and aren’t positive which direction you’re supposed to go…

And that midday moment of panic…

…when you start second-guessing whether or not you took your morning medications.

Friend, moments like these are far too common for older men and women.

And unfortunately, it’s not going to get any better on its own.

Which is why this discovery is truly revolutionary for anyone who is dealing with forgetfulness…

…brain fog…

…or is just thinking about their fading memory.

Because, starting today, you can actually do something about it

And take control of your future with this fast-acting memory miracle.

The way it works is unlike anything I have ever seen before in my more than 40 years in medicine.

And I’m not the only one who has noticed.

Yale researchers called this solution “superior” to other options for an aging memory…

And one well-respected MIT-trained scientist said it’s as if this natural substance was “ingeniously designed” to help strengthen memory.

In the next few minutes, I’m going to tell you everything you need to know…

…about how you can now help revitalize your memory with this memory boosting miracle that goes to work in just 5 short minutes.

But I have to tell you…

If you leave this presentation at any point, there’s a good chance you’ll never hear about this memory boosting secret again…

Because the fact is…

You won’t see this memory-booster on Fox News or hear about it in your doctor’s office…

Because some of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies are doing everything they can to keep this under wraps…

As we speak, they are working on breaking down exactly how this memory booster works…

So they can make a pill that works the same wayand then sell it to you for top dollar.

And why use a copycat when you can get the real thing?

But even if they succeed, it will take years… or decades… before it’s available to you.

And if your memory feels like it’s slipping as you age, as a doctor, I can tell you…

You don’t have years to wait…

That’s why, if you stick with me today…

I’ll tell you everything you need to know…

So you can get your hands on this natural, memory miracle immediately.

And without emptying your wallet to these big shot pharma companies.

Before we go any further, let me tell you a little bit more about myself.

Like I said, my name is Dr. Glenn Rothfeld, M.D. 

And I’ve been practicing medicine for more than 4 decades.

I’ve authored 8 best-selling books…

…and I run a busy clinic in Waltham, Massachusetts, that has become one of the most popular medical centers in the country.

I specialize in finding innovative solutions to the medical problems that, frankly, baffle other doctors.

And over the last 40 years, I’ve dedicated my career to helping thousands of patients battle the symptoms of aging – like memory loss

…that the mainstream medical community has told you that you “just have to accept”.

Hogwash. You don’t have to accept your aging memory. Not anymore.

I’m here to tell you: you don’t have to just grin and bear it as your memory gets worse with age…

As you find it harder to remember where you put your glasses…

Or to feel the embarrassment as your kids and grandkids have to remind you that you told that same story last week…

That won’t happen to you.

Because thanks to this incredible breakthrough that goes to work in just 5 minutes…

you can help put a stop to age-related memory loss. 

Now, I have to be honest with you.

When I first heard about a group of scientists in China who accidentally discovered something that could give your aging memory a major boost…

trust me, I was skeptical.

After all, researchers and scientists have been searching for a solution to age-related memory loss for decades…

And suddenly I’m supposed to believe these scientists stumbled upon it by accident?

It sounds too good to be true...

Especially if you’ve ever tried any of those “brain games…”

…“get smart quick” books…

Or “memory enhancing” exercises...

And never felt one lick smarter or that your memory was any better than yesterday.

So I understand why you might be skeptical of anything offering such quick results.

But trust me, this solution isn’t anything like those gimmicks…

Because it actually works.

It’s CONFIRMED by rock-solid science...

…and the thousands of men and women across America who’ve already used it for themselves.

In fact, this memory miracle has already worked for 4,472 people…

And that number continues to grow every single day. 

I’ve received countless amounts of letters about how it’s changing lives for the better.

Like this one from Karl W. from Bakersfield, CA who took advantage of this memory miracle and said:

“I had an energy surge, and when speaking my ENTIRE vocabulary was instantly* available to me without even trying! I was using words that I hadn’t used in a long time. I totally love the feeling of having a surge of brain power.”

Or this one from Yolanda M., who decided to give the memory miracle a try and said…

“I noticed an improvement immediately!* I love that it has increased my focus, I can remember more and I’m experiencing less brain fog.”
*Results may vary.

Friend, these are just a few of the incredible results men and women like you are already seeing from this breakthrough discovery.

So please, stick with me for the next 3 and a half minutes while I take you through exactly how these scientists stumbled upon this memory-boosting solution…

…how it goes to work in just 5 minutes…

And how you can get your hands on it today.

Deal? Let’s get started.

I’m going to take you all the way back to 1970…

…when a group of scientists in China were tasked with finding a solution to something completely unrelated to memory.

A health mystery that was first discovered in 1887…

But not a single scientist has been able to find a successful solution to date.

One of the solutions they looked into was something a little strange…

Called Chinese Club Moss.

Chinese Club Moss is an odd-looking herb. Here’s a photo.

Photo of Chinese Club Moss

Figure 1 ©2006 Berger Harald, changes made

It kind of looks like something you might see in Jurassic Park.

But the researchers had a reason for trying it, because Chinese Club Moss has been used in ancient Chinese medicine for centuries…

So these scientists took a special extract from the moss, and then gave it to patients…

And when they did…

Something unexpected happened.

The memory centers of their brains LIT UP

Specifically, researchers noticed the chemical in their brain responsible for memory started to skyrocket…

The Club Moss was actually making their memories STRONGER.

The researchers were in shock.

Had they just discovered one of the most potent, natural memory boosters… by accident?

A simple, natural herb that can give a fading memory a major boost?

They knew they couldn’t keep this to themselves.

So they spread the word throughout China, and after over 20 years of studies and trials…

The Chinese government’s FDA approved Chinese Club Moss as an official treatment for age-related memory loss in 1994.

And today… the rate of age-related memory loss is lower in China than that of developed western world.

Countries like France, England, and, yes, America.

Countries that are supposed to have the best medicine in the entire world.

Friend, there’s no way this is a coincidence.

And I’m refusing to deny these cold-hard facts any longer.

Because Chinese Club Moss has been scientifically shown to go to work in just 5 minutes…

Giving your memory a major boost…

So you never have to think about your aging memory again

Just think about what that would mean for you…

Never forgetting names or faces of childhood friends…

And never worrying you’re going to forget an important appointment.

You can stop writing everything down, because you’re confident you have everything you need stored securely in your brain… 

And know that you have decades of independence ahead of you.

Now, I know what you’re probably thinking…

If Chinese Club Moss is so effective in treating age-related memory loss, why haven’t I heard of it?

Well, unfortunately, in the United States, effective natural products like Club Moss are silenced.

You see, natural products like these can’t be patented by pharmaceutical companies…

Meaning they can’t make money from them.

And these big money pharma execs know introducing an effective, natural product like Chinese Club Moss into the mainstream market…

Would destroy their $3.64-billion-dollar memory drug market.

Yes… that’s billion with a B.

And you know these greedy pharmaceutical companies will do anything they can to keep their money rolling in.

So while Chinese Club Moss is effectively improving the memories of Chinese citizens…

You won’t hear a word about it in America.

They’ve been doing everything they can to keep it under wraps…

But I’ve been paying attention.

And once I saw how important it has become in traditional Chinese medicine, my team and I dug deep into medical journals…

…to figure out exactly how Chinese Club Moss works to help reverse age-related memory loss.

Let me ask you something…

As you’ve gotten older, have you noticed it’s often harder to remember things you’ve done or heard in recent days…

…than it is to remember memories you made decades ago?

Maybe you can easily remember the name of your 11th grade English teacher…

But the name of that TV show your daughter recommended has completely escaped you?

Well, that has to do with your memory storage.

Think of your brain like a photo album, and your memories are the pictures.

As time goes on, the album begins to fill up with more and more photos…

Until it’s full and you don’t have anywhere to put the new photos you’re taking.

Well, this is unfortunately what’s happening to your brain as you age.

And we’ve now learned the biological reason for it.

It has to do with a specific chemical in your body called acetylcholine, or AC

You see, AC works as a kind of chemical messenger in your brain…

It “tells” your memory center when it’s time to store a new memory. 

Pretty amazing, right?

And when you’re young, it all works perfectly… so your mind is sharp as a fish hook…

But as you get older… something changes.

Graph of AC levels declining with age

Your vital AC levels drop with age…

So your new memories don’t get stored as well…

You start to notice memories are harder to recall…

And your memory just isn’t functioning like it used to.

Maybe it’s a doctor’s appointment you made last week and you can’t remember what time you scheduled it for…

Or the name of your granddaughter’s new boyfriend she told you about last time you saw her...

Or the computer password to get into your bank account…

All of this fading information has to do with your falling AC levels.

But that’s where Chinese Club Moss comes in.

Remember how I told you Chinese researchers extracted a compound from the Club Moss?

Well, that extract is now known as a memory boosting compound called Huperzine A.

And American researchers at the prestigious Southern Illinois University School of Medicine have found…

Huperzine A from Chinese Club Moss may help boost your memory storing
AC levels 125%

Even better, this 125% increase in AC levels was right in the part of the brain called “the frontal cortex” …or what we call the memory center.

It’s like Huperzine A from Chinese Club Moss adds hundreds of new pages to your photo album…

…so you could have the space to store all your new memories for years to come.

With that much more AC in your brain, you don’t have to worry about your memories fading as you age.

Imagine how great it would feel to know you have restored your memory power…

Grandfather interacting with granddaughter at party

You’ll have the confidence that you’ll never again forget your niece or nephew’s birthday…

Or an important appointment you scheduled. 

You can throw out all those notes around your computer with all your passwords…

And finally feel like your brain is functioning like it’s supposed to. Like it USED to…

But there is one problem…

You see, this study was performed on rats…

And, obviously… you’re not a rat.

So how do we know if Club Moss could have the same effect on you?

Well, take a look at this…

In order to determine if the Huperzine A in Chinese Club Moss could boost AC levels in humans…

Researchers took a group of elderly volunteers in China who were complaining of a fading memory…

They were forgetting things like appointments, passwords, or where they put their keys…

Sound familiar?

But then these volunteers were all given Chinese Club Moss extract in order to determine if it could work for treating age-related memory loss…

And the results were better than anyone had anticipated. 

And by the end of the trial…

All the researchers and volunteers agreed…

Their memories were significantly STRONGER after taking 200 mcg of Huperzine A from Chinese Club Moss.

These volunteers stopped forgetting things like names of childhood friends…

Or where they put their cell phone.

And were able to remember not only more things…

But remember them clearly and sharply.

There’s just no question: It’s like turning back the clock on your memory.

All from simply taking Chinese Club Moss extract with Huperzine A…

To help boost your AC levels back to where they should be…

And be able to store new memories just like you once could.

Imagine what that would mean for you…

Never again walking into a room and not being able to remember why you went there in the first place…

And never having to deal with the embarrassment that comes from running into an old friend and completely forgetting her name.

You can stop second-guessing yourself…

…about things like if you remembered to pay the electric bill…

…or if you turned the oven off when you left the house this morning.

Elderly man in car

Friend, thanks to the Huperzine A “brain booster” in Chinese Club Moss…

You can finally help restore your memory to what it used to be…

...and be confident in your brain again.

This new research blew me away, but it gets even better.

Because scientists at the Sichuan University of China wanted to know exactly HOW Huperzine A works its way through your system…

So they took 12 volunteers, ages 20-25, and gave them .4 mg of Huperzine A from Chinese Club Moss...

And what happened next was astonishing…

Just 5 minutes after they took Huperzine A, it was detectable in their systems.

Meaning in just 5 minutes Huperzine A was working to increase their AC levels…

Allowing them to store more memories…

Clearer and sharper than ever before.

This is the fastest acting and most effective memory booster I’ve heard of in my 40-year medical career

And it turns out I’m not the only one who noticed.

The genius minds at Yale University decided to review all the studies on Chinese Club Moss they could get their hands on…

To see if Club Moss was really something worth using as a treatment for age-related memory loss.

And after reviewing dozens of studies, Yale researchers announced…

Club Moss is “superior” to other natural treatments for age-related memory loss.

So if you’re thinking about your memory…

You won’t find a better solution than Club Moss.

Imagine how it would feel to wake up tomorrow, and read an article all about the 2020 presidential candidates.

Where they stand on certain issues, their political experience, past controversies, etc.

Elderly group of friends drinking wine

Then, a week from now you go to your friend’s house for dinner, and he strikes up a conversation about the 2020 election.

Now, it’s been a week since you read that article, and normally, most of the smaller details would have slipped your mind.

But thanks to the Chinese Club Moss you took, even though it’s been a week since you’ve even thought about the candidates…

All of those details are fresh in your mind, ready to be retrieved in an instant.

You know where they stand on things like taxation and gun control…

You know where they’re from, and how long they’ve been involved in politics.

Your friend is not going to believe how much information you’re recalling.

He’ll probably ask you how long you’ve been studying the candidates.

Go ahead and tell him the truth: you haven’t.

You read 1 article a week ago and the information is still that easy to remember. 

Now he may accuse you of lying.

Because the amount of information you have retained is extraordinary.

But you’ll know it’s thanks to the Huperzine A in Chinese Club Moss that’s helping to boost your AC levels…

And increasing your memory storing ability.

In just a moment I’ll tell you exactly where you can get your hands on the right kind of Chinese Club Moss extract.

Which goes to work in just 5 minutes…

And has been shown to significantly help boost memory.

But first, there’s something else I need to tell you about.

Because while the way Club Moss works is changing everything we thought we knew about age-related memory loss…

There’s much more to a healthy brain than just memory.

You see, while Chinese Club Moss boosts function in the “memory center” of your brain….

You still have the whole rest of your brain to think about. 

Luckily, I discovered something else on my search for a complete memory rewind…

A rare plant that has shown to reactivate other parts of your brain that slow down with age.

And when used alongside memory boosting Chinese Club Moss…

It can help give you back that brain power you had when you were younger

Like when you were able to complete a major project at work in one day… impressing all your co-workers…

Or when you were able to get all your kids up, dressed, fed, and off to school without breaking a sweat.

You see, you didn’t just have more youthful energy back then…

But your brain was actually working differently.

And if you’re over the age of 55, you need to hear this.

Let me ask you something…

As you’ve gotten older do you feel like you have a harder time focusing than you used to?

Maybe you drift off in the middle of a conversation more often than you did when you were young?

Or you’re more easily distracted by background noise when you’re talking on the phone?

Well, you’re not alone.

Studies from The University of Toronto, The University of Illinois, and the University of California have now confirmed…

The area of the brain responsible for concentration…

Starts to slow down as you get older.

Specifically, scientists looked at brain scans of older Americans.

And the areas of the brain responsible for concentration had much less activity.

And these lower activity levels lead to those moments of distraction and momentary confusion.

But friend, I’m so glad you found this presentation today…

Because thanks to the breakthrough discovery of another rare plant – this one found in a remote village in South Africa…

You can now have that concentration back

The plant is called sceletium tortuosum, or what the locals call Kanna.

And the locals in this small village have been using this plant for centuries.

They chew on it before hunting trips…

In order to stay calm and focused for hours on end.

But don’t worry, you don’t have to chew on any plant in order to get the same attention-boosting effects. (More on that in a moment…)

Remember how I said the area of the brain responsible for concentration has “less activity” in older men and women?

Well, that lack of activity means the neurons in your brain aren’t communicating with each other like they’re supposed to. 

So the part of your brain responsible for concentration is working at a slower pace than it did when you were young.

But that’s where Kanna comes in.

You see, Kanna contains something called alkaloids.

And alkaloids are scientifically shown to help protect your brain cells…

…encourage effective communication between neurons…

…and allow your brain to work like it’s supposed to.

But you don’t have to take my word for it.

Since 2013, Kanna has been the subject of more than half a dozen clinical studies that confirm it works wonders to help you stay focused and concentrated.

Take a look at this one...

Doctors took 60 men and women, aged 40-75, and examined their brain’s electrical activity.

Then, they gave them Kanna, and after just 2 hours…

The part of their brain responsible for concentration lit up with activity…

Showing that the brain cells were communicating at a normal rate again…

In just 2 hours after taking Kanna.

Researchers couldn’t believe what they were seeing.

This simple plant literally rewired their brains to work like those of a younger person.

In the amount of time it would take you to watch Casablanca!

What would you do with that new focus?

Elderly man drinking coffee while reading book

Maybe finish that book that’s been sitting on your bedside table for months?

Or complete a 1000-piece puzzle in just one sitting?

Whatever it is, you’ll have the brain power to do it thanks to Kanna.

But there’s one problem.

Two of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies are working on a pill that works just like Kanna as we speak.

Which means, even though it will take them years to come out with this copycat pill…

They are going to do everything they can to make sure you don’t find out there is a natural solution already available

Which is why today I’m offering you a way to get your hands on all the concentration-enhancing benefits of Kanna before these pharma giants silence me.

You see, I lead a team of researchers at a small, family-owned company called Real Advantage Nutrients

Where we’ve dedicated years of research in order to combine all the memory-boosting effects of Chinese Club Moss…

Which goes to work in just 5 minutes to help reverse age-related memory loss...

Allowing you to store more memories and access them with ease

With Kanna, which starts working in just 2 hours to rewire your brain for increased focus and attention…

NeuroBrin bottle

Into a small, easy-to-take brain pill called NeuroBrin™.

It’s already worked for 4,472 people.

And my desk is filling up with letters from them telling me just how thrilled they are with NeuroBrin.

Take a look at this one from Donald F. from Jackson Hole, Wyoming who said:

“I have been taking NeuroBrin for 3 months and I am so happy with this product! I am getting more things done, I am not forgetting the basics, and I’m staying on top of daily issues. Because of NeuroBrin I am feeling great! No brain fog. Not forgetting my keys or where my cellphone is. Try NeuroBrin. Everything to gain, nothing to lose!”

Or this one from Diana T. from Seattle, Washington who wrote to me saying…

“One day I woke up feeling brand new! I could see things clearly and I have less brain fog. I thank God that I had the gut feeling to try NeuroBrin. It has had a wonderful impact on my life.”

Friend, I encourage you to follow Diana’s lead, and listen to your gut today.

NeuroBrin is the only formula that uses Chinese Club Moss extract Huperzine A to help…

…boost your memory-storing brain messenger AC

While also including Kanna to rewire your brain, activate your concentration center, and allow you to stay focused and attentive all day long.

In just a few moments, I’ll show you exactly how you can get your hands on your very own supply of NeuroBrin

But first, there is one more thing I need to fill you in on.

Because while Club Moss helps increase your memory storage…

And Kanna improves your focus and attention…

They unfortunately won’t do you any good without the right amount of blood flow.

You see, your blood is a vital carrier, delivering all the things you need for clear, sharp thinking to your brain.

And if you’re over the age of 55, the blood flow to your brain is already slowing down.

A study at Harvard Medical School found blood flow to the brain decreases with age…

Meaning your brain is being deprived of the oxygen and nutrients it needs to function at its best.

And with this slowing blood flow comes confusion, brain fog, and that annoying feeling that you just can’t think.

Now, a lot of doctors might ask you to just accept that this is something that happens with age…

But I wasn’t willing to do that.

So I went searching for a natural way to boost this blood flow…

Without changing your diet or doing time consuming exercises that just don’t work.

But something that could naturally feed your brain the nutrients it needs…

…so your mind stays clear and free of any brain fog.

That’s when I found Gingko biloba, or GB.

Gingko Biloba leaves

You may have heard of it before…

Because over the last few years it’s become well known as a potent “brain herb”…

…gaining popularity in Europe as a successful treatment for age related memory loss.

After looking at the research, it’s no surprise why.

In one study at the Department of Cardiology in China, researchers looked at the effects of GB on 80 patients…

And saw a whopping 12% increase in nitric oxide.

Why does this matter?

You see, nitric oxide is absolutely necessary for blood flow…

Because it’s responsible for opening up your blood vessels…

Allowing blood to flow through your body with ease.

Meaning with more nitric oxide…

More blood flows to your brain.

So you think better… you REMEMBER more

Nearly half a dozen different clinical studies have confirmed these brain boosting effects

Take a look at this one.

In a study of 262 older adults, half were given 180 mg of GB, while the other half were given a placebo pill…

And what they found is incredible.

The group taking GB were able to remember significantly more words that they were shown 30 minutes prior.

At the end of the study, the GB group unanimously agreed: Their brain function had significantly improved thanks to this incredible brain herb.

And it gets even better.

Another study showed people who supplemented with 240 mg of GB, were actually thinking faster.

All thanks to increased blood flow to the brain.

Just imagine what that would mean for you.

Faster, clearer thinking all day long.

Your friends and family will be so impressed with how quick-witted and clear-headed you suddenly are…

Elderly women drinking beer and laughing

And love your newfound vigor and zest for life.

Now, they will probably ask you what you are doing differently…

And I encourage you to tell them all about GB, and how it’s boosting your nitric oxide 12%...

Feeding your brain a surge of nutrients so you can think faster and quicker than ever before. 

And when combined with the concentration-boosting benefits of Kanna

And Chinese Club Moss, which starts working in minutes to help increase your memory storage…

You’re like a new person.

You’ll feel younger, more confident, and sharper

Just think of how different your life will look when your brain is functioning at its full potential.

What will you do with that new brain power?

Maybe try to master a new language?

Or learn how to play an instrument?

Or maybe something simpler…

Like planning an elaborate surprise celebration for your next anniversary…

Without writing anything down at the risk of your spouse discovering your notes and ruining the surprise.

No problem…

You’ll have all the details locked neatly away in your mind…

With the ability to retrieve them at the drop of a hat.

Friend, you can have all of this, with NeuroBrin.

And you’re one of the lucky few who had the chance to read this presentation today…

Because I have a special offer for you.

You see, as demand for the rare ingredients in NeuroBrin continues to rise…

It’s getting more and more expensive to create our product.

And unfortunately, because of recent demand, we had to raise our prices to $75.

But I know that’s a lot for people.

And I don’t want anyone to miss out on the incredible benefits of NeuroBrin because of cost.

Which is why you’re so lucky you found this presentation today.

Because through this presentation only, I’m offering a $25 instant rebate on every bottle.

Now, I can’t offer this discount to just anyone…

But for a limited time, you can get NeuroBrin at this unheard of discount.

And I can’t guarantee this discount will be around for long, so please don’t exit out of this presentation before placing your order.

In just a moment, you’ll see an order button at the bottom of the screen…

That will take you to a secure order form page where you can claim your $25 instant rebate.

Friend, this kind of discount is unheard of.

But that’s how much I want you to get your memory and your confidence back to how it was in your youth…

And how sure I am that natural NeuroBrin will work for you.

With 100 mcg of Chinese Club Moss for a superior memory boost

Combined with 25 mg of Kanna and its unique ability to naturally rewire your brain for skyrocketed concentration

And 120 mg of GB, which will help boost your blood flow and eliminate brain fog.

It will be like you’ve cleaned years off your brain…

And it goes to work in just 5 short minutes

In just a minute, you’ll see a button appear at the bottom of the screen to claim your supply of NeuroBrin.

Go ahead and click that button.

You’ll be taken to a secure order form page where you‘ll notice your exclusive $25 instant rebate has already been applied.

But, please, don’t hesitate…

Because I can’t guarantee this presentation will be around for long.

I told you about how Big Pharma execs don’t want this information about these natural brain boosters getting out…

Because it’s a threat to their billion-dollar industry.

But if you act now, you can get NeuroBrin at this exclusive discounted price.

Once you place your order, sit back and all you have to do is wait.

In a couple days, a small brown box will arrive at your doorstep.

Go ahead and open it up.

Inside you’ll find a bottle that looks exactly like this.

NeuroBrin bottle

Unscrew the lid…

…get out your watch and note what time it is.

Then go ahead and take one of those small capsules.

And keep an eye on your watch.

As the next minutes pass, you’ll know that Chinese Club Moss extract is passing through your body…

Until it reaches your brain in just 5 short minutes.

After that, you can be confident that it’s working to help boost your memory-storing AC levels…

So you can not only remember more…

But you’ll remember everything much clearer.

Then, just 2 hours later…

You’ll feel like you can tackle anything.

Get ready to cross everything off your to-do list for the whole week…

Because Kanna is working to help increase activity in the concentration center of your brain…

To leave you focused and productive 24/7.

And finally…

You’ll notice you understand things faster…

And are getting more things done every single day…

Thanks to GB increasing blood flow to your brain…

Sending a flood of vital nutrients…

So you’re functioning at your true, optimum level.

And if you don’t notice these effects after taking NeuroBrin

I’ll give you a full refund.

NeuroBrin bottle with satisfaction guarantee

That’s all part of my 100% money back guarantee.

You see, I would never want anyone to feel like they’ve wasted their money…

Because my end goal is to improve your life the best I can…

So you don’t have to accept these side-effects of aging.

That’s why if you try NeuroBrin, and don’t actually feel your brain getting stronger…

You can simply call my English-speaking customer service team and they will offer you a full refund…

No questions asked.

The way I see it, the decision is clear.

You can either exit out of this presentation…

And continue dealing with your fading memory…

Knowing that as you age, it’s not going to get any better on its own...

Or you can take action today.

And get on track to a healthy, strong, clear mind.

And remember, your $25 instant rebate is only offered through this presentation right here, right now.

Friend, you don’t want to miss out on this opportunity.

If you act now you can get all the memory increasing benefits of Chinese Club Moss…

Combined with the concentration- and focus-enhancing effects of Kanna…

With the brain-fog-eliminating qualities of Gingko biloba.

To me, the decision is clear.

Go ahead and click the button below now to claim your $25 instant rebate

And have NeuroBrin delivered straight to your doorstep.

And remember…

If for any reason at all you aren’t satisfied…

You can have 100% of your money back, guaranteed.

Are you ready to get on track to increased memory…

Better focus…

And faster thinking?

Then go ahead and click the button below now.

For Real Advantage Nutrients, I’m Dr. Glenn Rothfeld, M.D…

Click the button now.

I’ll see you on the other side.

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.